www.cinnabonsurvey.com – Cinnabon survey

Cinnabon Customer Experience Survey
Cinnabon invites their customers to take a few moments and take part in their Customer Experience Survey to answer some simple questions and give their feedback based on their recent visit to Cinnabon. And to thank them for providing their thoughts and opinions, they will be given the opportunity to redeem the incentive printed on their receipt at the end of the survey.
By completing the survey and sharing your experience you will help Cinnabon to serve you better. So take the survey honestly and express what you genuinely think about the products and service you received as it is important to fulfill the purpose of organizing this Customer Survey.
To take the survey
To participate in the Cinnabon Customer Experience Survey, entrants need some information to know to complete the survey more smoothly and conveniently.
- Your visit to a Cinnabon location must be lately.
- You must save the receipt of that purchase to get the necessary details you require for the survey.
- To receive your incentive, the special offer must be mentioned on your purchase receipt.
- The participants, who are concerned about their privacy, can check the privacy policy from the link posted left bottom of the survey entry page.
How to complete Cinnabon Survey
For taking the Cinnabon Guest Survey, entrants can follow the steps below:
- Visit the survey page at www.cinnabonsurvey.com
- Enter the store code from the top of your receipt under the Cinnabon location name that you visited. Those, who have a hard time to locate the information, take a glance at the sample receipt picture highlighting the number provided on the right side of the page).
- Click the “Next” button to get started.
- Fill out the survey to the best of your knowledge.
When done, provide the required details and submit to take advantage of your special treat at your next visit to Cinnabon.
The Featured Baked Treats from Cinnabon
- Cinnabon Classic Roll: a combination of superior flavor and unmistakable far-reaching aroma, made with Makara Cinnamon and smooth tender dough along with fluffy signature frosting.
- BonBites: Bite-size cinnamon fresh and baked buns
- Caramel PecanBon: The Classic Cinnabon Roll added to a caramel twist and sprinkled with a splash of pecans
- CinnaPack: a great gift pack available in Classic Roll, Minibon Rolls, Caramel PecanBon, and BonBites
Contact Information
Cinnabon Headquarter
5620 Glenridge Dr. NE Atlanta GA 30342