www.surveymonkey.com – Fantastic Sams Experience Survey

Fantastic Sams Experience Survey
Survey Monkey has come up with an exciting opportunity for the Fantastic Sams customers to take part in Your Fantastic Sams Experience Survey at www.surveymonkey.com providing their feedback to enter a drawing contest at the completion of the survey for a free haircut.
The survey is very short and simple and takes only a couple of minutes of your time to complete the entire process.The survey consists of total 10 questions that you have to respond honestly based on your recent experience with Fantastic Sams.Your opinion matters a lot to the company so try to be genuine as much as possible while answering the survey questionnaire.
How to take part in the Fantastic Sams Experience Survey
Your Fantastic Sams Survey consumers,who are interested in taking the survey, will require-
- They must visit to receive some services from one of the Fantastic Sams salons lately.
- They need to save the cash register receipt of that service to get the necessary details for the survey.
- Ability to recall the experience.
- Visit the Fantastic Sams Experience Survey page powered by Survey Monkey at www.surveymonkey.com
- List your stylist name, salon location, date and time of visit.
- Answer the questions you will be asked and comment about the products and service you received at the salon.
- Rate your overall experience considering the cleanliness of the salon, professionalism of the staff, satisfaction with the service and value.
- Enter the Research Project Name if you know.
- At the end of the survey leave your contact information if you would like to be put into a drawing for a free haircut and click “Done”.
Read More: Dollar General Customer Satisfaction Survey
About Fantastic Sams
Fantastic Sams is privately held franchised unisex full-service hair-care salon chain with 1250 locations in the United States and Canada. Founded by Sam Ross in 1974, the salon chain started its journey as ‘Incredible Sam’s’ and renamed ‘Fantastic Sams’ in 1985. The salon sells also hair care products besides the services.